"Large Supermarket Chain in Southern Africa Hit With Ransomware"
The Shoprite Group, one of the largest supermarket chains in Southern Africa, has been infected with ransomware. The chain recently issued a statement announcing the cyberattack for which the RansomHouse ransomware group claimed responsibility. The company, which operates over 2,943 stores in Africa and employs over 149,000 people, revealed that it became aware of a suspected data compromise affecting a specific subset of data. This data could impact some customers who engaged in money transfers to and within Eswatini, Namibia, and Zambia. Access to affected network areas has been restricted. Names and ID numbers were compromised, but no financial information or bank account numbers were affected. RansomHouse openly announced being behind the attack on the supermarket chain, claiming on Telegram that the company was storing large amounts of personal data in plain text/raw photos packed in archived files, completely unprotected. The gang released a sample of the stolen data, stating that it invited the company to negotiate a ransom. This article continues to discuss the ransomware attack on the Shoprite Group and the RansomHouse ransomware group claiming to be behind the attack.
The Record reports "Large Supermarket Chain in Southern Africa Hit With Ransomware"