"Malicious Actors Spreading False US Voter Registration Breach Claims"

According to the FBI and CISA, malicious actors are spreading false claims that US voter registration databases have been breached.  The agencies said that the claims are designed to manipulate public opinion and undermine confidence in US democratic institutions in the run up to the US Presidential Elections in November.  The malicious actors are using obtained voter registration information as evidence to support their claims that a cyber operation compromised election infrastructure.  The FBI and CISA said that there is currently no intelligence suggesting that any cyberattack on US election infrastructure has prevented an election from occurring, changed voter registration information, prevented an eligible voter from casting a ballot, compromised the integrity of any ballots cast, or disrupted the ability to count votes or transmit unofficial election results in a timely manner.  The agencies urged the public to “critically evaluate” claims of hacked or leaked voter information, remembering that most voter registration information is available to the public.


Infosecurity Magazine reports: "Malicious Actors Spreading False US Voter Registration Breach Claims"

Submitted by Adam Ekwall on