"Malware Attacks on Hospitals are Rising Fast, and the Problem is About to get a lot Worse"

In a new study, it has been found that healthcare organizations are being increasingly targeted by attackers because they are seen as an easy target.  In the first 9 months of 2019 alone, there has been a 60% increase in trojan malware detections. The rise has been particularly significant in the third quarter of this year, with an 82% increase in detections when compared with the previous quarter. Trickbot and Emotet are the most common forms of trojan malware targeting the health sector.  These trojans can be used as a gateway to deliver other malicious payloads, and have been used to drop ransomware onto compromised systems

ZDNet reports: "Malware Attacks on Hospitals are Rising Fast, and the Problem is About to get a lot Worse"

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