"This Malware Was Written in an Unusual Programming Language to Stop It From Being Detected"

A cybercriminal hacking group is distributing new malware called NimzaLoader that is written in the programming language Nim. According to researchers, this programming language is rarely used to compile malicious code. Cybersecurity researchers at Proofpoint believe the malware was written in this programming language to make it more difficult to detect and analyze. NimzaLoader allows attackers to gain access to Windows computers and execute commands that give them the ability to take control of the machine, steal sensitive information, and more. The malware is suspected to be the work of the TA800 threat group that has targeted a wide range of industries in North America. This article continues to discuss the use of the Nim programming language to develop NimzaLoader malware and the group believed to be behind the malware, as well as the capabilities and distribution of NimzaLoader. 

ZDNet reports "This Malware Was Written in an Unusual Programming Language to Stop It From Being Detected"

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