"Mobile Threat Volumes Slump 58% in a Year"
Security researchers at Kaspersky have discovered that the volume of mobile threats detected globally fell by nearly nine million from Q1 2021 to the first three months of 2022. The researchers stated that in total, 6,463,414 mobile malware, adware, and “riskware” attacks were blocked in the first quarter of 2022, down from over 15 million in Q1 2021. The number of malicious installation packages detected also fell during the period by 64%, to reach just 516,617. The researchers noted that the largest group of threat types was “risk tool” apps, which accounted for nearly half (49%) of the total. Next came adware, accounting for around 17% of all mobile threats. However, the researchers noted that both of these categories experienced a decline in numbers, unlike Trojans, whose share increased 10 percentage points to reach almost 15%. The variants with the greatest impact were Mobtes (44%), Piom (33%), and Boogr (14%). Mobile banking Trojans also saw a spike in detections of over 113% since Q1 2021, to reach almost 54,000. Most of this increase was traced to the Trojan-Banker.AndroidOS. Bray family, whose share accounted for 81% of all mobile banking Trojans detected.
Infosecurity reports: "Mobile Threat Volumes Slump 58% in a Year"