"Most Cyberattacks Hide in Encrypted Web Traffic"

According to Zscaler's ThreatLabz 2023 State of Encrypted Attacks Report, most cyberattacks involve malware being hidden in encrypted web traffic. The spread of cyber threats through encrypted (HTTPS) web traffic is increasing year after year. It increased by 24 percent in 2023 compared to 2022. According to researchers at Zscaler,  this would amount to around 30 billion blocked threats. The report shows that 86 percent of cyberattacks now occur through encrypted channels. Malicious web content, malware payloads, and macro-based malware are all examples of encrypted malware. ChromeLoader, MedusaLocker, and Redline Stealer were the most commonly discovered encrypted malware. This article continues to discuss cyberattacks hiding in encrypted traffic.

Techzine reports "Most Cyberattacks Hide in Encrypted Web Traffic"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on