"New All-Fiber Device Simplifies Free-Space Based Quantum Key Distribution"

As the era of fully developed quantum computers approaches, post-quantum cryptographic methods must continue to be explored as this advanced technology is expected to render current encryption algorithms obsolete. The secure communication method, quantum key distribution (QKD), uses particles of light known as photons to encode data in quantum bits, which are transmitted to a sender and receiver in the form of an encryption key. Researchers from the University of Padova in Italy have developed an all-fiber device, called POGNAC (POlarization SaGNAC), which improves QKD by generating the states required for this secure method to work. This article continues to discuss the concept of QKD, the development of a satellite-based quantum communication network, and the new polarization encoder developed by researchers. 

Science Daily reports "New All-Fiber Device Simplifies Free-Space Based Quantum Key Distribution"

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