"New Cybersecurity Programs to Protect US Energy"
The Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response (CESER) has announced three new researcher programs aimed at strengthening the security of America's energy system against cyberattacks and physical hazards. The new schemes will address potential vulnerabilities in the global supply chains and explore ways to protect critical infrastructure from geomagnetic and electromagnetic interference. The new programs will also focus on establishing a research and talent pipeline for the next generation of cybersecurity professionals. These programs will gather experts from industry, academia, and government to help enhance the energy sector's resilience. CESER pointed out the major threats facing America's critical energy infrastructure, which include digital hazards such as cyberattacks and environmental dangers like climate change, wildfires, and extreme weather. This article continues to discuss the goals and importance of the three new cybersecurity research programs.
Infosecurity Magazine reports "New Cybersecurity Programs to Protect US Energy"