"New Tech Aims to Tell Pilots When Their Plane Has Been Hacked"

U.S. defense contractor, Raytheon, is developing new technology that would alert pilots in the event that their planes are being hacked. The U.S. military expects the act of hacking a plane to be a major tactic in warfare in the future. The Cyber Anomaly Detection System will give pilots details about a hacking incident in real time, which will allow them to make decisions as to what needs to be done to resolve the problem. Most aircraft have important electronics and avionics systems connected to a serial data bus, which is said to lack security in many U.S. military planes. A plane's attack surface for cyber threats grows as more technology and commercial products are added to the aircraft. This article continues to discuss a potential scenario in which a helicopter is hacked, the growing vulnerability of aviation platforms to being infiltrated by hackers, the discovery of vulnerabilities in the F-15E Stroke Eagle fighter jet, and the Cyber Anomaly Detection System aimed at alerting pilots about cyberattacks on their planes. 

Defense One reports "New Tech Aims to Tell Pilots When Their Plane Has Been Hacked"

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