"Nissan Australia Cyberattack Claimed by Akira Ransomware Gang"

The Akira ransomware gang recently claimed it breached the network of Nissan Australia, the Australian division of Japanese car maker Nissan.  In a new entry added to the operation's date leak blog on December 22, Akira says it allegedly stole around 100GB of documents from the automaker's systems.  The attackers have threatened to leak sensitive business and client data online, as ransom negotiations with Nissan failed after the company either refused to engage or pay the ransom.  Akira surfaced in March 2023 and usually asks for ransom payments from $200,000 to millions of dollars, depending on the size of the organization that has been breached.  Nisan has yet to attribute a cyberattack disclosed on December 5, and it did add a new update to its website recently, confirming that attackers have breached some of its systems in Australia and New Zealand.  Nissan says it's still investigating the incident's impact and whether personal information has been accessed.  It's also working on restoring systems affected in the attack (a process that started on December 5, after the incident was disclosed.


BleepingComputer reports: "Nissan Australia Cyberattack Claimed by Akira Ransomware Gang"

Submitted by Adam Ekwall on