"NIST is Hunting for Tech to Secure the Energy Sector’s Network"

Efforts are being made by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology's (NIST)  National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) to bolster the security of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) attached to the nation's power grid. Through a program, NCCoE seeks to develop a solution for strengthening IIoT in a distributed energy resource environment. The flow of data from distributed energy resources (DERs), including wind turbines and solar panels, must be secured as these resources increase the vulnerability of the grid to disruption by cyberattackers. This article continues to discuss the focus and goals of the program as well as the increase in DERs, how such resources are introducing more threats to the grid, and other efforts to defend the grid against cyberthreats. 

NextGov reports "NIST is Hunting for Tech to Secure the Energy Sector’s Network"


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