"No Honor Among Cyber Thieves"

A study published in the June edition of Social Science Computer Review examined user activity on two online carding forums, which are cybercrime marketplaces (illegal sites) dedicated to sharing stolen credit card information. Instances of online identity theft and other forms of cybercrime continue to increase during the coronavirus pandemic. The research gives insight into cybercriminal operations and marketplaces to help apprehend criminals and protect regular internet users. According to Washington State University criminologist and lead author of the study, Alex Kigerl, carding forums have grown in popularity due to their ease of access, short shelf life, and boards of specialized topics such as free tutorials on hacking. This article continues to discuss findings from Kigerl's analysis of data from two carding forums pertaining to the forums' structure, administrator, and users, as well as the spike in daily cybercrimes since the start of stay-at-home restrictions. 

WSU Insider reports "No Honor Among Cyber Thieves"

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