"NSA Awards Authors of Study of Automated Attacks on New Webservers"

The National Security Agency (NSA) Research Directorate selected "Uninvited Guests: Analyzing the Identity and Behavior of Certificate Transparency Bots" as the 11th Annual Best Scientific Cybersecurity Paper Competition winner. The winning paper by Stony Brook University researchers looked into automated attacks on new webservers and how a web browser can trust an organization's publicly available cryptographic credentials. In 2013, NSA's Laboratory for Advanced Cybersecurity Research launched the competition to encourage the development of scientific foundations in cybersecurity and to support cybersecurity improvement for devices, computers, and systems through rigorous research, solid scientific methodology, and more. This article continues to discuss the winning paper on automated attacks on new webservers.

NSA reports "NSA Awards Authors of Study of Automated Attacks on New Webservers"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on