"Online Games Use Dark Designs To Collect Player Data"

According to a new study from Aalto University, online games' privacy policies and practices have dark design patterns that may be deceptive, misleading, or coercive to users. The gaming industry is worth about $193 billion, with around three billion gaming enthusiasts worldwide. Although online gaming can improve well-being and facilitate social relationships, privacy and awareness problems have the potential to offset these benefits and cause actual harm to gamers. New research from the Department of Computer Science at Aalto University exposes potentially questionable data collection practices in online games, as well as player misconceptions and privacy concerns. In addition, the study provides risk mitigation strategies for gamers and design suggestions for game developers to bolster the privacy of online games. This article continues to discuss the study on the use of dark designs in online games' privacy policies and practices to collect player data.

Aalto University reports "Online Games Use Dark Designs To Collect Player Data"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on