"Over 100,000 Security Cameras in U.K. Are Hackable"

The consumer advocacy organization, called "Which?", conducted a study that revealed the vulnerability of more than 100,000 wireless security cameras installed in U.K. homes and businesses to hacking. According to the company's findings, security cameras made by HiChip with software such as the CamHi app, Accfly, ieGeek, and SV3C installed, have security flaws that could allow attackers to perform several malicious activities. The exploitation of these flaws enables attackers to spy on users, talk to users in their homes, change passwords, compromise other devices on the home network to which the security camera is connected, and more. The camera brands that are potentially vulnerable to such attacks include Dericam, Alptop, CPVAN, QZT, and Tenvis. This article continues to discuss what the flaws contained by security cameras in the U.K. could allow attackers to do, the experiment behind this discovery, and how users can protect their security cameras against potential risk. 

CISO MAG reports "Over 100,000 Security Cameras in U.K. Are Hackable"


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