"Over 50% of Firms Have 1,000+ Exposed Files, Ghost Users, Stale Passwords"

The analysis of data risk assessments carried out by data security company’s Varonis’ engineers, used 700 companies across 30 industries to perform their study.  It was found that more than half of all companies leave over 1,000 sensitive files accessible to every single company employee, causing serious data risk.  On average 22 percent of a company’s folders were accessible to every employee. It was also found that, 61 percent of the companies had over 500 users with passwords that never expire, and 58 percent of companies contained over 1,000 stale user accounts. It is important for companies to put policies in place, to make sure that sensitive information is not stolen by hackers.

Computer Business Review reports: "Over 50% of Firms Have 1,000+ Exposed Files, Ghost Users, Stale Passwords"


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