"Over Half of CISOs Struggling for Board Investment"
Researchers at Encore have discovered that 54% of UK and US cybersecurity leaders have complained that their boards aren’t providing enough funding for vital initiatives. The researchers polled 100 C-level executives, 100 CISOs, and 500 workers on both sides of the Atlantic to better understand how aligned security teams are with business leaders. The researchers found that although 50% of boards across both regions claim to have cybersecurity at the top of their agenda, over 60% of CISOs feel unsupported. The researchers stated that many boards fail to invest properly until an incident has already happened. The researchers noted that this kind of piecemeal and reactive approach to security is the opposite of the proactive, strategic stance that leading organizations adopt. The researcher found that more than one in 10 C-level executives surveyed still only discuss cybersecurity once a breach has occurred. The researchers also found that 82% of participants said they’ve felt pressured to downplay the severity of cyber risks to their board, while 90% claimed their business would be willing to compromise on cybersecurity in favor of digital transformation or other goals.
Infosecurity reports: "Over Half of CISOs Struggling for Board Investment"