"Over Half of Social Media Logins Are Fraudulent"

It has been discovered that 53% of all logins on social media sites are fraudulent. The report, analyzed more than 1.2 billion transactions made between April 1, 2019, and June 30, 2019.  It was found that 11% of all online transactions, including account registrations, logins and payments, were actually cyber-attacks. It was also found that the attack mix varied across industries, with some spheres more likely to suffer human-driven cyber-attacks, while others were chiefly targeted by bots. The technology industry stood out as heavily targeted by human click-farms and sweatshops, with almost 43% of attacks driven by humans. However, it was the retail industry that saw the highest proportion of human culprits, with a 50/50 split between attacks driven by humans and bot-led assaults.

Infosecurity reports: "Over Half of Social Media Logins Are Fraudulent"


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