"Over Thirty Arkansas Counties Impacted by Cyberattack"

A cyberattack over the weekend is causing county offices across the state of Arkansas to go offline or temporarily close.  Each affected county is using the company Apprentice Information Systems (AIS) for its online servers.  The Rodgers based business would not say how many counties they serve, but several affected county offices said they believe it could easily be up to half the state.  By calling 20 central Arkansas counties before they closed Monday and searching the Assessor's Apprentice Information Systems User Group website, it was found that three counties (Garland, Hot Springs, Jefferson) used a different provider and were unaffected.  Three counties (Arkansas, Pike, and Van Buren) were without internet.  Overall, 31 counties are confirmed to have at least one or more offices serviced by AIS with servers offline.  A spokesperson at Apprentice Information Systems stated that depending on location, it is stopping or limiting several services.  The company noted that users "cannot assess, pay taxes, file deeds, search for deeds, obtain marriage licenses., etc."  The company is currently investigating the incident.  


Kark.com reports: "Over Thirty Arkansas Counties Impacted by Cyberattack"


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