"'P2PInfect' Worm Grows Teeth With Miner, Ransomware & Rootkit"

"P2PInfect" is a worm that uses the Redis in-memory database application to spread across networks in a peer-to-peer, worm-like way, building a botnet in the process. When it was discovered about a year ago, it had not yet caused any significant damage. However, this is no longer the case, as, according to Cado Security, an update has been distributed globally across P2PInfect infections, including a brand new rootkit, cryptominer, and ransomware. This article continues to discuss the previously harmless botnet that has been updated to include a set of malicious and exploitative components.

Dark Reading reports "'P2PInfect' Worm Grows Teeth With Miner, Ransomware & Rootkit"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on