"PCI SSC Publishes New Standard for Mobile Payment Acceptance Solutions"
The PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) has released a new standard to help in the evolution of mobile payment acceptance solutions. PCI Mobile Payments on COTS (MPoC) expands on the existing PCI Software-based PIN Entry on COTS (SPoC) and PCI Contactless Payments on COTS (CPoC) standards, which address security requirements for merchants accepting cardholder PINs or contactless payments using a smartphone or other commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) mobile device. The PCI MPoC standard aims to increase flexibility in payment acceptance and in the development, deployment, and maintenance of COTS-based payment acceptance solutions. PCI MPoC is a new, adaptable mobile standard and program for the development of payment solutions. It provides a modular, objective-based security standard that supports various payment acceptance channels and consumer verification methods on COTS devices. The new standard combines many of the existing PCI SPoC and PCI CPoC standards, most notably the ability to enter both PIN and contactless cardholder data on the same COTS device. It will be of interest to vendors of card payment acceptance technologies and solutions because it may provide new types of solutions for them to address in their markets. Similarly, entities that deploy or use terminals may be interested in seeing what controls are put in place to secure the technologies that they may use next year and in the future. This article continues to discuss the new PCI MPoC standard.
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