"Personal Info Possibly Leaked in Hope College Data Breach"

Hope College, located in Holland, Michigan, recently announced that the personal information of students and other people associated with the college might have been leaked in a data breach.  The college noted that around September 27th, it discovered “potential unauthorized access to its network” and started working with its IT team and legal specialists outside of the college to conduct a full forensic investigation.  The investigation found that “certain sensitive information kept in the normal course of business,” like first and last names, birthdates, social security numbers, driver’s license numbers, and student ID numbers, had been compromised.  The college said no financial information was at risk.  After the investigation was completed, Hope reviewed the investigation results to see whose information may have been leaked and then tried to notify everyone affected by sending a letter to their most recent address.  People who were potentially impacted will receive complimentary credit monitoring services from Hope.


The Holland Sentinel reports: "Personal Info Possibly Leaked in Hope College Data Breach"

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