"Phishing Ploy Targets COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Effort"

IBM security researchers detected a phishing campaign aimed at collecting vital information about the World Health Organization's efforts surrounding the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine to developing countries. The threat actors behind the campaign, as well as its success, remain unknown. According to Nick Rossmann, the IBM team's global threat intelligence lead, the motive behind the operation could be to gather information on the entire refrigeration process, including how the vaccines will be shipped and stored. Other motives may be to undermine the legitimacy of the vaccine or launch destructive attacks. This article continues to discuss the phishing campaign's targets, operations, and possible goals, in addition to the FBI's efforts to protect vaccine development and delivery from cyber threats and more traditional human-centric espionage by adversaries.

AP News report "Phishing Ploy Targets COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Effort" 

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