"Poly Network Hackers Potentially Stole $610 Million: Is Bitcoin Still Safe?"

The Poly Network, specialized in cryptocurrency transfers on the Binance, Ethereum, and Polygon blockchains, has revealed that it had been hit with an attack in which assets were transferred to hackers. According to Poly Network, the hackers exploited a vulnerability between contract calls where a contract can modify a contract's keeper and carry out a transaction. Estimates of funds held in wallets say the loss was more than $600 million. According to the blockchain ecosystem security company Slow Mist, a total of over $610 million was transferred to hackers. Poly Network asked the hackers to return the funds and tweeted the addresses to which they can return what they stole. It also added that law enforcement would consider this incident a significant economic crime, and the hackers will be punished. This article continues to discuss the attack faced by the decentralized finance platform Poly Network, other incidents in which hackers allegedly stole Bitcoin, and concerns regarding the safety of Bitcoin from such hacks.

ZDNet reports "Poly Network Hackers Potentially Stole $610 Million: Is Bitcoin Still Safe?"


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