"Pretexting: A Growing Threat That Avoids Phishing's Obvious Tells"

Phishing attacks on businesses pose a constant threat of data compromise, which is why many businesses invest in phishing awareness training. Training has resulted in more employees being aware of phishing strategies. As recipients become more aware of phishing tactics, attackers are resorting to another strategy called pretexting. Pretexting builds trust by using impersonation and false stories to persuade victims to share data or take other harmful actions. This tactic accounts for more than half of all social engineering incidents in the most recent Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR). This article continues to discuss the concept of pretexting.

CPO Magazine reports "Pretexting: A Growing Threat That Avoids Phishing's Obvious Tells"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on