"Preventing Cyber Security Attacks Lies in Strategic, Third-Party Investments"

Findings of a study conducted by Jay Simon and Ayman Omar at the American University's Kogod School of Business suggest that companies are more likely to underinvest in cybersecurity measures when they experience a data breach caused by a third-party supplier. Target, T-Mobile, and the IRS are some examples of entities that have experienced major third-party data breaches. Simon and Ayman call for companies to examine every entity that handles their data. Even if a company has implemented strong cybersecurity practices, the company is still at risk of a data breach due to third-party vendors that have weak security. This article continues to discuss key findings of the study in relation to the investment in cybersecurity measures by companies and the mitigation of risks. 

Science Daily reports "Preventing Cyber Security Attacks Lies in Strategic, Third-Party Investments"


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