"Production Systems Cybersecurity Project Receives Significant Funding"
Business Finland has funded a consortium project investigating cybersecurity in system integration led by Tapio Frantti, Professor of Practice at the University of Jyväskylä Faculty of Information Technology. Production systems in Finland are controlled using techniques that are not always designed to be cyber-secure. The Cybersecurity Governance of Operational Technology (CSG) project aims to research and develop a reference model for cybersecurity system integration, which can be used to improve the cybersecurity of new power plants and their connection to the power grid. Energy production is increasing and becoming more dispersed, emphasizing the importance of cybersecurity, particularly in system integration. According to Tapio Frantti, the Professor of Practice in charge of the project., if there are safety deficiencies in the energy production system connected to the distribution network, they can be reflected in the entire national energy production and distribution system. By securing the operational functioning and integration of production and information systems, the project enables cyber-secure energy production and improves supply security. This article continues to discuss the goal and support behind the production systems cybersecurity project.
JYU reports "Production Systems Cybersecurity Project Receives Significant Funding"