Pub Crawl #39

Image removed.Pub Crawl summarizes, by hard problems, sets of publications that have been peer reviewed and presented at SoS conferences or referenced in current work. The topics are chosen for their usefulness for current researchers. Select the topic name to view the corresponding list of publications. Submissions and suggestions are welcome.

Cipher Text-Policy Attribute Based Encryption (CP-ABE) 2018  Image removed.  Image removed.         (all)

Ciphertext Policy Attribute Based Encryption techniques provide fine grained access control to securely share organizational data where role-based access rights are in use. For the Science of Security community, CP-ABE is related to policy-based governance and scalability.

Cipher Text-Policy Attribute Based Encryption (CP-ABE) 2019  Image removed.  Image removed.         (all)

Ciphertext Policy Attribute Based Encryption techniques provide fine grained access control to securely share organizational data where role-based access rights are in use. For the Science of Security community, CP-ABE is related to policy-based governance and scalability.

Control Theory and Resiliency 2019  Image removed.  (all)

Control theory offers a way to address the Science of Security hard problems of scalability, resilience, and human behavior, particularly as they relate to cyber physical systems. The work cited here focuses on resiliency.

Control Theory and Security 2019  Image removed.      Image removed.     (all)

In the Science of Security, control theory offers methods and approaches to potentially solve the Science of Security community hard problems in resiliency and composability.

Controller Area Network Security 2019  Image removed.  (all)

Controller area networks connect the main electrical units in automobiles. They are relevant to the Science of Security because of their relationship to cyber-physical systems, resiliency, and the internet of Things.

Conversational Agents 2019  Image removed.    Image removed.    Image removed.   (all)

Conversational agents are being developed to allow for fully automated interactions between humans and computers using voice, gestures, and other attributes. For the Science of Security community, this work is relevant to the hard problems in human behavior, scalability, and metrics.

Covert Channels 2019  Image removed.      Image removed.     (all)

A covert channel is a simple, effective mechanism for sending and receiving data between machines without alerting any firewalls or intrusion detectors on the network. In cybersecurity science, they have value both as a means for defense and attack. For the Science of Security community, this work is relevant to the hard problems of resilience, scalability and compositionality.

CPS Modeling and Simulations 2018  Image removed.    Image removed.  Image removed.     (all)

Modeling and simulation of Cyber-physical systems is a way to develop resiliency, composability, and predictive metrics in a laboratory environment and then test against their algorithms against real world situations. The challenge, of course, is to develop models and simulations that are accurate and reliable.

CPS Modeling and Simulations 2019  Image removed.    Image removed.  Image removed.     (all)

Modeling and simulation of Cyber-physical systems is a way to develop resiliency, composability, and predictive metrics in a laboratory environment and then test against their algorithms against real world situations. The challenge, of course, is to develop models and simulations that are accurate and reliable.

Cryptojacking 2019      Image removed.  Image removed.  Image removed.   (all)

Cryptojacking is a new method criminals are using to take over computers and using the hijacked processing power to earn cryptocurrency. For the Science of Security community, this new attack vector is relevant to resiliency, metrics, and human behavior.

Cryptology 2019  Image removed.  Image removed.  Image removed.  Image removed.  Image removed.   (all)

Cryptology, the use of techniques for secure communication in the presence of adversaries, is one of the primary subjects of the Science of Security and impacts study into all of the hard problems.

Cyber Dependencies 2019  Image removed.  Image removed.  Image removed.  Image removed.   (all)

Physical systems, particularly critical infrastructure, are increasingly dependent upon cyber systems. Risks to those cyber systems create potential adverse consequences for the physical systems. Research exploring these problems is growing and is of interest to the Science of Security community relative to the hard problems of compositionality and scalability, human factors, resiliency, and metrics.

Damage Assessment 2019  Image removed.  (all)

The ability to assess damage accurately and quickly is critical to resilience.

Dark Web 2019    Image removed.   (all)

The Dark Web, or Darknet, is a subset of the deep web that is not indexed and requires something special to access it. Much of the activity on it is extra- or illegal, pornographic, or otherwise unseemly. For the Science of Security community, understanding of the activities on the Dark Web related to human behavior issues.

Data Deletion 2019  Image removed.    (all)

Data deletion has many implications for security and for data structures. For the Science of Security community, the problem has implications for privacy and scalability.

Data Sanitization 2019  Image removed.   Image removed.  Image removed.   (all)

For security researchers, privacy protection during data mining is a major concern. Sharing information over the Internet or holding it in a database requires methods of sanitizing data so that personal information cannot be obtained. For the Science of Security community, this work is relevant to human behavior and privacy, resilience, and compositionality.

DDOS Attack Detection 2019  Image removed.  Image removed.  Image removed.  Image removed.   (all)

Distributed Denial of Service Attacks continue to be among the most prolific forms of attack against information systems. Detection is a key step in dealing the problem. For the Science of Security community, this research is related to the problems of resilience, composability, metrics, and human behavior.

DDOS Attack Mitigation 2019  Image removed.  Image removed.  Image removed.  Image removed.   (all)

Distributed Denial of Service Attacks continue to be among the most prolific forms of attack against information systems. Mitigation is a key step in dealing the problem. For the Science of Security community, this research is related to the problems of resilience, composability, metrics, and human behavior.

DDOS Attack Prevention 2019  Image removed.  Image removed.  Image removed.  Image removed.   (all)

Distributed Denial of Service Attacks continue to be among the most prolific forms of attack against information systems. Prevention is the first step in dealing the problem. For the Science of Security community, this research is related to the problems of resilience, composability, metrics, and human behavior.

Decomposition 2019  Image removed.    Image removed.       (all)

Mathematical decomposition is often used to address network flows. For the Science of Security community, decomposition is a useful method of dealing with cyber physical systems issues, metrics, and compositionality.

Deep Packet Inspection 2019  Image removed.      Image removed.     (all)

Deep Packet Inspection offers providers a new range of use cases, some with the potential to eavesdrop on non-public communication. Current research is almost exclusively concerned with raising the capability on a technological level, but critics question it with regard to privacy, net neutrality, and other implications. These latter issues are not being raised within research communities as much as by politically interested groups. For the Science of Security community, it is relevant to scalability and resilience.

Deep Video 2019  Image removed.    Image removed.  Image removed.     (all)

The use of video for surveillance has created a need to be able to process very large volumes of data in very precise ways. Research into these methods is relevant to the Science of Security hard problems of scalability, resilience, and metrics.

Deterrence 2019  Image removed.      Image removed.  Image removed.   (all)

Finding ways both technical and behavioral to provide disincentives to threats is a promising area of research. Since most cybersecurity is “bolt on” rather than embedded, and since detection, response, and forensics are expensive, time-consuming processes, discouraging attacks can be a cost-effective cybersecurity approach. The topic is relevant to the Science of Security hard problems of human behavior, scalability, and resilience.

Key Policy Attribute Based Encryption (KP-ABE) 2018  Image removed.  Image removed.         (all)

Recent works show that the reality of the privacy preserving and security in decentralized key policy ABE (KP-ABE) schemes are doubtful. How to construct a decentralized KP-ABE with privacy-preserving and user collusion avoidance remains a challenging problem.

Science of Security 2019  Image removed.  Image removed.  Image removed.  Image removed.  Image removed.   (all)

Many more articles and research studies are appearing with “Science of Security” as a keyword. The articles cited here discuss the degree to which security is a science and various issues surrounding its development, ranging from basic approach to essential elements. The articles cited here address the fundamental concepts of the Science of Security.

User Privacy in the Cloud 2019  Image removed.  Image removed.  Image removed.  (all)

Privacy is a major problem for distributed file systems, that is, in the Cloud. For the Science of Security community, this work is relevant to scalability, resilience, and metrics.

Visual Light Communications Security 2019  Image removed.  Image removed.  Image removed.  (all)

Visible light communication (VLC) offers an unregulated and free light spectrum and potentially could be a solution for overcoming overcrowded radio spectrum, especially for wireless communication systems, and doing it securely. For the Science of Security community, this work is relevant to resiliency, scalability, and metrics.

Web of Trust 2019  Image removed.  Image removed.  (all)

The creation of trust across networks is an important aspect of cybersecurity. Much of current research is focusing on graph theory as a means to develop a “web of trust.” For the Science of Security community, resiliency and composability are related hard problems.

White Box Cryptography 2017  Image removed.  Image removed.  Image removed.  (all)

Open devices such as PCs, tablets or smartphones are extremely vulnerable to attacks, since the attacker has complete control over the execution platform and the software implementation itself in the form of a white box attack. The goal of white-box encryption is to create a successful cryptographic algorithm so that assets remain secure even while under white-box attacks. For the Science of Security community, the subject is relevant to composability, resilience, and metrics.

White Box Cryptography 2018  Image removed.  Image removed.  Image removed.  (all)

Open devices such as PCs, tablets or smartphones are extremely vulnerable to attacks, since the attacker has complete control over the execution platform and the software implementation itself in the form of a white box attack. The goal of white-box encryption is to create a successful cryptographic algorithm so that assets remain secure even while under white-box attacks. For the Science of Security community, the subject is relevant to composability, resilience, and metrics.


Articles listed on these pages have been found on publicly available internet pages and are cited with links to those pages. Some of the information included herein has been reprinted with permission from the authors or data repositories. Direct any requests for removal via email of the links or modifications to specific citations. Please include the URL of the specific citation in your correspondence.


Pub Crawl contains bibliographical citations, abstracts if available, links on specific topics, and research problems of interest to the Science of Security community.

How recent are these publications?

These bibliographies include recent scholarly research on topics that have been presented or published within the stated year. Some represent updates from work presented in previous years; others are new topics.

How are topics selected?

The specific topics are selected from materials that have been peer reviewed and presented at SoS conferences or referenced in current work. The topics are also chosen for their usefulness for current researchers.

How can I submit or suggest a publication?

Researchers willing to share their work are welcome to submit a citation, abstract, and URL for consideration and posting, and to identify additional topics of interest to the community. Researchers are also encouraged to share this request with their colleagues and collaborators.

What are the hard problems?

Select a hard problem to retrieve related publications.

  1. Image removed. - Scalability and Composability: Develop methods to enable the construction of secure systems with known security properties from components with known security properties, without a requirement to fully re-analyze the constituent components.
  2. Image removed. - Policy-Governed Secure Collaboration: Develop methods to express and enforce normative requirements and policies for handling data with differing usage needs and among users in different authority domains.
  3. Image removed. - Security Metrics Driven Evaluation, Design, Development, and Deployment: Develop security metrics and models capable of predicting whether or confirming that a given cyber system preserves a given set of security properties (deterministically or probabilistically), in a given context.
  4. Image removed. - Resilient Architectures: Develop means to design and analyze system architectures that deliver required service in the face of compromised components.
  5. Image removed. - Understanding and Accounting for Human Behavior: Develop models of human behavior (of both users and adversaries) that enable the design, modeling, and analysis of systems with specified security properties.
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