"Ragnarok Ransomware Hits Boggi Milano Menswear"

Luxury Italian men’s clothing line Boggi Milano has confirmed what they have suffered a ransomware attack.  Boggi Milano is based in Italy and has 190 stores in 38-plus countries.  Ragnarok was the ransomware gang behind the attack and was able to exfiltrate 40 gigabytes of data.  With the help of KELA, a monitoring tool for the Dark Web, investigators were able to look at filenames being leaked by Ragnarok related to the breach and found payroll files, payment PDFs, vouchers, tax documents, and more.  It has not been disclosed how much Ragnarok wants in ransom to return the files. The Boggi Milano website is still up and running, and the brand said it is working with Italian authorities on the matter.


Threatpost reports: "Ragnarok Ransomware Hits Boggi Milano Menswear"

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