"As Ransomware Attacks Increase, New Algorithm May Help Prevent Power Blackouts"
Millions of people could lose power if a ransomware attack only slightly altered energy flow onto the US power grid. There is no single power utility company that has enough resources to protect the entire grid, but if there was a map showing where to prioritize security investments, perhaps all 3,000 of the grid's utilities could fill in the most critical security gaps. Researchers at Purdue University have developed an algorithm for creating that map. Using this tool, regulatory authorities or cyber insurance companies could create a framework that directs power utility companies' security investments to parts of the grid that are most likely to cause a blackout if hacked. In addition to the power sector, Purdue researchers evaluated the algorithm in the context of other types of critical infrastructure. The algorithm's goal is to help secure any large and complex infrastructure system against cyberattacks. It was tested in simulations of previously reported hacks on four infrastructure systems, which include a smart grid, an Industrial Control System (ICS), an e-commerce platform, and a web-based telecommunications network. They discovered that using this algorithm results in the best allocation of security investments for mitigating the impact of a cyberattack. The Purdue researchers developed an algorithm that would incentivize each security decision maker to allocate security investments to limit the cumulative damage a ransomware attack could cause. For example, an attack against a single generator would have less impact than an attack on the controls for a network of generators. Power utility companies would be encouraged to invest more in security measures for the controls of a network of generators rather than for a single generator. This article continues to discuss the algorithm developed by Purdue researchers to help improve the cybersecurity of power grids and other critical infrastructure.