"Ransomware Attacks on Industrial Firms Surged in Q2 2024"

According to security researchers at Dragos, there was a significant increase in ransomware attacks on industrial organizations in the second quarter of 2024 compared to the previous quarter.  The researchers noted that 29 of the 86 ransomware groups known to target industrial organizations were still active in the second quarter, an increase from the 22 groups observed launching attacks in the first quarter.  In Q1 2024, there was a drop in attacks, both in terms of volume and impact, following law enforcement crackdowns on major ransomware operations such as BlackCat and LockBit. However, the number of attacks nearly doubled in Q2 compared to Q1 from 169 incidents to 312 incidents.  The researchers noted that a majority of the ransomware attacks observed targeted industrial organizations in the United States and Europe, and the manufacturing sector continues to be the most targeted.  LockBit was behind the highest percentage of attacks (66 incidents), followed at a distance by Play (31 incidents), BlackBasta (27 incidents), 8Base (22 incidents), and Akira and BlackSuit (both with 20 incidents each). 


SecurityWeek reports: "Ransomware Attacks on Industrial Firms Surged in Q2 2024"

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