"Ransomware Criminals Are Targeting U.S. Universities"

U.S. colleges and universities continue to be targeted in ransomware attacks. In addition to implementing measures for protecting campus communities from the COVID-19 pandemic, college and university leaders must advance efforts to improve the protection of their computer networks and data from ransomware. The education sector has become one of the most common targets of such attacks due to its weak cybersecurity measures, storage of highly sensitive information, dependence on outdated software, and more. Law enforcement agencies and cybersecurity professionals advise victims not to give into attackers' demands for ransom payments as it would motivate the execution of more ransomware attacks. However, ransomware criminals are becoming increasingly selective in that they are targeting those in possession of critical information. This article continues to discuss recent ransomware attacks against U.S. universities, why the education sector is an attractive target for cybercriminals, the decision to pay ransoms, and how universities could strengthen their digital security.

The Conversation reports "Ransomware Criminals Are Targeting U.S. Universities"

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