"Razer Gaming Fans Caught Up in Data Leak"

A security consultant discovered a misconfigured Elasticsearch cloud cluster that exposed a segment of Razer's infrastructure to the public internet, where anyone could access the information.  Razer is a company that sells gaming gear.  It is not yet known if any people with malicious intent accessed the information.  The information in the misconfigured cloud cluster included full names, emails, phone numbers, customer internal IDs, order numbers, order details, billing addresses, and shipping addresses.  The cloud cluster included data from over 100,000 customers.  The security consultant found the open cloud cluster on August 18th and alerted Razer on August 19th.  It took Razer 3 weeks to fix the misconfigured cloud cluster.  

Threatpost reports: "Razer Gaming Fans Caught Up in Data Leak"

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