"Report Suggests 93% of Breaches Lead to Downtime and Data Loss"

According to security researchers at Pentera, a substantial 93% of enterprises admitting to a breach have suffered significant consequences, ranging from unplanned downtime to data exposure or financial loss.  During the research, the researchers found that enterprises are allocating an average of $164,400, nearly 13% of their total IT security budgets to pentesting programs.  These initiatives serve multiple purposes, including validating the efficacy of security controls, gauging potential attack impact, and prioritizing security investments.  However, the researchers also found significant gaps in security testing frequency compared to the pace of changes in the IT environment.  While 73% of enterprises undergo IT changes at least quarterly, only 40% conduct pentesting with similar regularity.  The researchers noted that this discrepancy exposes organizations to prolonged periods of vulnerability, leaving them susceptible to cyber threats.  The researchers noted that security teams are grappling with the escalating volume of security issues, with over 60% of enterprises facing a minimum of 500 security events requiring remediation weekly.  Despite deploying an average of 53 cybersecurity solutions per organization, half (51%) of enterprises reported a breach in the last 24 months, underscoring the limitations of technology in ensuring comprehensive security.  


Infosecurity Magazine reports: "Report Suggests 93% of Breaches Lead to Downtime and Data Loss"

Submitted by Adam Ekwall on