"Researcher Strips ROM for Binary Code"

The security key has served as a barrier to Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) hacks. A physical device outperforms other methods, such as one-time codes, which hackers can intercept, and provides protection against Machine-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks. However, research shows that attackers could, in theory, physically extract secrets from Read-Only Memory (ROM) inexpensively. Tony Moor, senior director of silicon lab services at IOActive, took a decapsulated computer chip with embedded ROM and used a rotating platen to strip away its physical layers until he reached the encoded raw bits. This article continues to discuss the demonstrated stripping away of physical layers of ROM to find the hidden binary code. 

BankInfoSecurity reports "Researcher Strips ROM for Binary Code"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on