"Researchers Develop Faster Way to Replace Bad Data With Accurate Information"

Researchers from North Carolina State University and the Army Research Office developed a new model to show how old or inaccurate information is disseminated in online social networks and the Internet of Things (IoT). The circulation of competing information, e.g., malware v.s. security patches, can lead to problems in threat intelligence sharing and security research. Through the use of the Susceptible-Infectious-Cured (SIC) propagation model proposed by researchers, the speed at which undesired information dies is quantified. Researchers' analysis revealed that a network's size affects how quickly accurate information can displace false information. Findings from this study can help determine which parts of a network should be used to inject and quickly spread new data. This article continues to discuss the research and its findings pertaining to the dissemination of data in a network, and the model developed to help replace bad data with accurate information. 

NC State University reports "Researchers Develop Faster Way to Replace Bad Data With Accurate Information"

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