"Researchers Discover Cyber Vulnerabilities Affecting Bluetooth Based Medical Devices"

Researchers from the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) and the Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R) discovered SweynTooth, a set of 11 critical cyber vulnerabilities that affect Bluetooth-based medical devices. These security lapses could cause devices to crash, reboot, or circumvent security features. The vulnerabilities impacted at least 12 Bluetooth low energy (BLE) devices from eight different vendors. Different types of Internet of Things (IoT) products such as pacemakers, wearable fitness trackers, and home security locks were affected. This article continues to discuss how SweynTooth affected Bluetooth-enabled devices, how regulatory agencies have responded to the discovery of this set of vulnerabilities, and the Greyhound framework used to make this discovery.

EurekAlert! reports "Researchers Discover Cyber Vulnerabilities Affecting Bluetooth Based Medical Devices"

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