"Researchers Exploring a More Secure, Reliable Power Grid With UNC System Support"

A team of researchers led by the University of North Carolina at Charlotte is working to develop a more secure and reliable power grid. The team will build advanced cybersecurity research capacity in order to better understand how to protect and optimize the energy grid as clean energy sources and production continue to evolve globally. According to Meera Sridhar, principal investigator and associate professor in the College of Computing and Informatics, the new distributed energy resources paradigm presents an unprecedented cyberattack surface with significant national security implications. She adds that by collaborating with other institutions, the capacity to promote research at the intersection of the power grid and cybersecurity can be bolstered, with the ultimate goal of preventing attacks on the state's energy infrastructure. This article continues to discuss the collaborative research effort to build a more secure and reliable power grid.

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte reports "Researchers Exploring a More Secure, Reliable Power Grid With UNC System Support"

Submitted by grigby1 


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