"Researchers Grapple With Bringing Quantum Security to the Cloud"

Researchers in China have proposed and demonstrated a new protocol for cloud-computing-based information storage that combines quantum-level security with improved data-storage efficiency. According to the researchers, their work, which combines existing techniques known as Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) and Shamir's Secret Sharing (SSS), could protect sensitive data in the cloud, such as patients' genetic information. However, some independent experts are skeptical that it represents a real advancement in information security. In QKD, data is encrypted using quantum states that cannot be measured without destroying them. The data is sent over existing fiber-optic networks within and between major metropolitan areas. In theory, such schemes make information transmission completely secure, but they only enable user-to-user communication and do not allow for data storage on remote servers. This article continues to discuss the new protocol for cloud-computing-based information storage.

Physics World reports "Researchers Grapple With Bringing Quantum Security to the Cloud"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on