"Researchers Spot Banking Trojan Using COVID-19 Crisis to Attack Users"

The banking Trojan Grandoreiro has been discovered by ESET researchers to be exploiting the COVID-19 crisis to attack users. According to ESET, the videos on fake websites claiming to provide important information about the virus are being used to mask the Trojan. Grandoreiro has been in operation since 2016, primarily targeting users in Brazil, Mexico, Spain, and Peru via email spam. Now the Trojan has expanded its targeting through the abuse of the pandemic. Once the Trojan infects a machine, it can manipulate windows, record keystrokes, block access to websites, and more. In other versions, it can steal credentials stored in Google Chrome. This article continues to discuss the operation, targets, techniques, and continued development of the Grandoreiro Trojan. 

Infosecurity Magazine reports "Researchers Spot Banking Trojan Using COVID-19 Crisis to Attack Users"

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