"Researchers Warn of Teen Hacking Group on Discord"
Security researchers at Avast are urging parents to take a greater interest in their children’s online activities after discovering a hacking group on Discord populated by teenagers. The researchers stated that the online community is advertising and sharing malware on the popular messaging platform. The researchers noted that the group advertises easy-to-use malware builders and toolkits so users can DIY their own ransomware, information stealers, and crypto miners. The malware builders require no actual programming, just customization of functions and appearance. It provides an easy entry into this activity and allows kids to prank people and make money. The researchers urged parents to have more honest discussions with their children about the dangers they might encounter in different online spaces. Rather than prohibit actions, they should ask questions to help teens make better-informed decisions. Offensive Security chief strategy officer, Jim O’Gorman, argued that a talent for hacking could be refocused into a positive outcome for the teens involved and the cybersecurity industry. Earlier this year, a report from the UK’s National Crime Agency (NCA) claimed that children as young as nine had launched DDoS attacks thanks to easy-to-use online services. It revealed a 107% increase in reports to police of students deploying DDoS attacks from 2019 to 2020.
Infosecurity reports: "Researchers Warn of Teen Hacking Group on Discord"