"Royal Mail Jeopardizes Users With Open Redirect Flaw"

The Royal Mail postal service and courier company in the UK had an open redirect vulnerability on one of its websites, exposing its customers to phishing attacks and malware infections. The company made headlines earlier this year when it refused to pay LockBit's $80 million ransom. The ransomware attack by a Russia-linked group disrupted Royal Mail, and it was temporarily unable to ship items overseas. Although the company has improved its security since the incident, recent Cybernews research shows that there is still room for improvement, as a Royal Mail site had an open redirect vulnerability. This article continues to discuss the potential exploitation and impact of the open redirect vulnerability on one of Royal Mail's sites.

Cybernews reports "Royal Mail Jeopardizes Users With Open Redirect Flaw"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on