"Russian Info Ops Ramp Up Effort to Divide West on Ukraine"
Security researchers at Recorded Future have discovered multiple Russian influence networks have been running disinformation and influence campaigns since May designed to sow division in the West over its support for Ukraine. These disinformation campaigns are being conducted by “state-controlled media, known covert intelligence outlets, and known propaganda and disinformation amplifiers,” including ‘legitimate’ broadcasters like RT, disinformation outlets like Southfront, and “Telegram troll farms” like Cyber Front Z. The researchers stated that France, Germany, Poland, and Turkey are the primary targets for these influence operations. They seek to amplify existing divisions or make them up completely. Fake news efforts are also portraying Ukrainian refugees as negatively impacting their host countries, such as a ‘stabbing’ in Warsaw by three drunk Ukrainian men. The researchers stated that these efforts are likely to persist even after the war has concluded in an attempt to swing international opinion in the country’s favor and undermine trust in Western media reporting.
Infosecurity reports: "Russian Info Ops Ramp Up Effort to Divide West on Ukraine"