"Russia's Sandworm Hacking Unit Targets Ukrainian Telecom Providers"

According to a recent report from Ukrainian cybersecurity authorities, the Russian state hacking group Sandworm has targeted at least 11 Ukrainian Internet and telecommunication providers since May. Ukraine's Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-UA) said the attacks resulted in service interruptions and potential data breaches. During the ongoing war, hackers target telecommunication providers in Russia and Ukraine to disrupt communications and Internet access. In the recent attacks on Ukrainian telecommunication providers between May and September, Sandworm used different malware strains, including Poemgate and Poseidon, to steal credentials and take control of infected devices. To infiltrate victims' networks, the hackers also used compromised Virtual Private Network (VPN) accounts. The threat actors stole documents, passwords, contracts, and more from their targets' official social media accounts to make this information public or use it to promote their attacks. According to CERT-UA, in the final phase of the attack, the threat actors disabled active network and server equipment, as well as data storage systems. This article continues to discuss Sandworm's targeting of Ukrainian Internet and telecommunication providers.

The Record reports "Russia's Sandworm Hacking Unit Targets Ukrainian Telecom Providers"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on