"Russia's Second-Largest Bank VTB Bank Under DDoS Attack"
The state-owned VTB Bank, Russia's second-largest financial institution, has reported the largest Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack in its history. The pro-Ukraine collective IT Army of Ukraine has claimed responsibility for the DDoS attacks as the hacktivist group announced the offensive activity on its Telegram channel in November. The attack is causing issues for the bank's customers, who are unable to access the bank's website or mobile app. However, the bank also stated that the attack did not compromise customer data. Cyberattacks on the infrastructure of government and private Russian entities increased following the start of the invasion of Ukraine. Most of the attacks are carried out by pro-Ukraine hacktivists, while pro-Russian groups such as the Killnet collective target organizations and governments worldwide that have offered support to Kyiv. VTB confirmed that, despite the majority of the malicious traffic originating from outside Russia, the attacks also originated from Russian IP addresses. The financial institution reported the Russian IP addresses to law enforcement in order for them to be taken over. This article continues to discuss the DDoS attack faced by VTB Bank.
Security Affairs reports "Russia's Second-Largest Bank VTB Bank Under DDoS Attack"