"SaaS Security Fears: Is Your Data Exposed To Potential Risk?"

In a new survey, findings prove that IT executives have rising SaaS security fears, and worry about cloud security, proprietary data encryption, as well as the loss of independent control due to access limitations. Nearly all executives surveyed (92 percent) believed that they would require SaaS vendors to provide more tailored and flexible security options in the future. Seventy percent of companies surveyed said they had made at least one security exception for a SaaS vendor. Only 19 percent of respondents said 75 percent or more of their SaaS vendors meet all of their security requirements. Overall, those surveyed said they are troubled by the current level of security and accountability provided by their SaaS vendors. Nearly two-thirds are so concerned that they intend to retire applications that do not provide the level of security control they want. The survey also shows that IT executives not only understand the importance of security as it relates to today’s SaaS applications but that they are taking swift and necessary steps to protect their enterprises by retiring these applications as quickly as possible. 

Help Net Security reports: "SaaS Security Fears: Is Your Data Exposed To Potential Risk?"


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