"Saddling up Cryptosystems for a Quantum Showdown"

A team of researchers may have discovered the key to tackling threats from a large-scale quantum attack in an algebraic structure known as a quadratic twist. According to Jason LeGrow, assistant professor of mathematics in the Virginia Tech College of Science and Commonwealth Cyber Initiative Fellow, the most promising class of efficient blind signatures known to withstand quantum attacks is based on certain mathematical protocols believed to be quantum-safe. Before a message is signed, a blind signature disguises its content. The signer does not view the message content, but the signature can later be verified by a third party. LeGrow is researching quadratic twists, a special family of quantum-safe algebraic structures. This article continues to discuss the team's work to keep digital interactions secure.

Virginia Tech reports "Saddling up Cryptosystems for a Quantum Showdown"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on