"Scammers Deepfake CEO’s Voice to Talk Underling Into $243,000 Transfer"

In March of 2019, a British CEO thought he had gotten a call from the CEO of his business’s parent company, which is based in Germany.  The caller had an “urgent” request: and demanded that the British CEO transfer $243,000 to a Hungarian supplier within the hour. He complied and made the transfer because the voice sounded exactly like the CEO of the other company and even had a German accent.  After farther studies into this attack, researchers found that artificial intelligence- (AI)-based software was used to create a convincing imitation of the German CEO’s voice. The scammers called another 2 times after the first call.  The second time the attacker lied about the money having been reimbursed to the British company (hoping that the CEO would send it again and the attacker could double their money), and then the third time, the attacker asked for another payment, using the same fake voice.  The British CEO had grown skeptical by the second call and he didn’t comply with the repeated demand for money.

Naked Security reports: "Scammers Deepfake CEO’s Voice to Talk Underling Into $243,000 Transfer"

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