"Scientists Will Protect the Smart City from Cyber Threats"

St. Petersburg is participating in the development of a Smart City program that will provide new services to increase citizens' safety. This system depends on digital services. The environment adapts to the needs of humanity through the use of Internet of Things (IoT) systems. Therefore, cyberattacks against this infrastructure could pose a significant danger. Specialists at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU) developed a methodology for assessing cyber risks in a Smart City's intelligent system. They tested the methodology on the "smart crossroads" test bench, which is a component of the smart transport system of a Smart City. The scientists pointed out that cybercriminals' goals are to disrupt large enterprises and urban infrastructure and to intercept the control over them. Using wireless links, attackers can remotely infiltrate a target subnet or a group of devices, intercept traffic, launch denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, and hijack IoT devices to create botnets. The methodology developed by SPbPU researchers can be used to analyze cybersecurity risks, identify threats, calculate risks, and analyze the resulting risk values. It is based on a quantitative approach and is said to be easily computable. This article continues to discuss the Smart City program, potential cyberattacks against digital infrastructures in a Smart City, and the methodology developed by SPbPU researchers to assess cyber risks in the intelligent systems of a Smart City.

EurekAlert! reports "Scientists Will Protect the Smart City from Cyber Threats"

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