"SecuriDropper: New Android Dropper-as-a-Service Bypasses Google's Defenses"

SecuriDropper is a new Dropper-as-a-Service (DaaS) for Android capable of bypassing Google's new security restrictions and delivering malware. Dropper malware on Android is designed to act as a conduit for a payload to be installed on a compromised device, making it a profitable business model for threat actors who can advertise the capabilities to other cybercriminals. Furthermore, doing so allows adversaries to separate the development and execution of an attack from the malware installation. According to ThreatFabric researchers, droppers and the threat actors behind them are constantly evolving in order to outmaneuver changing security measures. This article continues to discuss findings regarding the SecuriDropper DaaS.

THN reports "SecuriDropper: New Android Dropper-as-a-Service Bypasses Google's Defenses"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on